News for those who live, work and play in the Santiam Canyon

The camping area at John Neal Park in Lyons was not impacted by the 2020 wildfires. SUBMITTED PHOTO

County seeks grant for Lyons park

ALBANY — Linn County Parks & Recreation director Stacey Whaley was given a green light by the Board of Commissioners Tuesday morning to apply for a grant from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to […]

Subdivision proposed east of Kimmel Park

A new subdivision on the east side of Mill City is hoping to break ground this summer, with 36 single-family homes proposed including waterfront properties. Lucas Baughman Addition, proposed by developers Rex Lucas and Scott […]

Detroit Lake had negligible drawdowns during the 2021-22 rainfall year, benefitting particularly from April-July rain and snow.

Summit reviews water issues

Nearly 70 stakeholders and other individuals participated in an Oct. 24  summit meeting on the North Santiam River and its watershed. The meeting, the 12th that has been conducted, was held at the Marion County […]