News for those who live, work and play in the Santiam Canyon

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Advertising Rates & Policies

Add a neighboring market to your advertising plan and earn a discount. 

Sales: [email protected], 971-273-9991
Design: [email protected]
Phone: 503-769-9525 2340
Mail: 2340 Martin Dr. #104, Stayton, Oregon 97383


Design services are included with the price of advertising. However, The Canyon Weekly can accept your camera-ready or digital press-ready advertisement at the prescribed dimensions (see above for measurements). Ad content materials or camera ready ads can be sent to our designer at [email protected].

Digital Files

PDF: preferred format for complete advertisements. A minimum DPI of 300 (600 for line art) will ensure best quality printing. Please include art and colors in CMYK (process) format.

JPEG: preferred format for photographs. A minimum DPI of 300 at actual size will ensure best quality printing. JPEGs downloaded from internet web sites are generally not of print quality, but those downloaded from a digital camera are fine.

TIFF: preferred format for line art and logos. A minimum DPI of 300 for color/grayscale or 600 for line art will ensure best quality printing. TIFFs may also be used to submit whole ads if PDF is unavailable.

EPS: please raster all text (convert to paths or lines) and make sure all artwork and colors are in CMYK format.


 All advertising is at Open Rate unless a contract agreement has been signed prior to advertising publication.

Ad space reservation deadlines are the 20th of the month for the edition of the 1st and the 5th of the month for the edition of the 15th. Space reservations coming in after deadline may be subject to a $25 late charge.

Advertisers not fulfilling contracted agreements may be billed for the difference between the contracted rate and the actual rate earned on ads placed during the term of the contract.

Contract rates apply to individual Advertisers. Advertising shall be for one business, unless businesses are under a single ownership. Rights or rates may not be assigned or transferred to another business or agency.

The Publisher reserves the right to change advertising rates with 30 days notice to contract holders, who may accept the new rate or submit written notice of contract cancellation within the 30-day period.

Advertising must be paid in full prior to publication unless a credit application has been submitted and approved.

Payment on a billed account is due the 15th day of the month following publication. 

A late charge of 3% will be added to an account past due by 30 days or more.

Past due accounts are subject to suspension of advertising and credit privileges.

The Publisher reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time. Any advertisement or supplement simulating news content must be labeled as paid advertising.

Ad placement is at the sole discretion of the Publisher unless a guaranteed placement charge has been paid.

Advertiser shall notify the Publisher of any error in time for correction before second insertion. Upon mutual agreement, Publisher may run corrective advertising for any portion of the first insertion that has been rendered valueless by the Publisher’s error. Publisher’s liability shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the advertisement. Except as provided above, Publisher assumes no liability for loss to Advertiser as the result of errors or omission in advertising copy.

Neither party to an agreement shall be held liable for failure to perform as the result of acts of Nature or reasons beyond their control. Under such circumstances, either party shall have the right to terminate an agreement without penalty. However, nothing in this paragraph shall excuse an Advertiser from the obligation to pay for advertising previously published. 

Classified Ads

The base rate to run a classified ad in a single issue is $8 for 25 words or less, plus $10 for a photo. Words beyond 25 are $0.10 each, so a 30-word classified ad with a photo would total $18.50 for one week.

Classified ads promoting “free stuff” or offering lost and found information are free.

Public notices are $8 per column inch.

Text and photos for classifieds must be received by Monday at 5 p.m. to appear in the following Friday publication. Classified ads may be submitted electronically to [email protected] or by mail to PO Box 6, Stayton, OR 97383.

Business Directory

Our Business Directory publishes in every issue, featuring trusted local businesses from restaurants to auto shops to real estate offices.

Adding your business to the directory costs $235 for 52 weeks, or $130 for 26 weeks. For information, or to reserve space, email [email protected].


The Canyon Weekly provides free obituaries as a community service for those who lived or worked within our distribution area: Mill City, Scio, Lyons, Mehama, Gates, Detroit, Idanha. Free obituaries appear on a space-available basis and are subject to editing.

If the person authorizing the obituary prefers that it appear exactly as submitted, and in a specific edition, they have the option of reserving paid space.

SUBMISSION: Obituary and photo (if desired) may be submitted digitally to [email protected] or by US mail to The Canyon Weekly, PO Box 6, Stayton, OR 97383.

Space Reservation Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday for publication on Friday.

FORMAT: Paid obituaries are typically formatted for the paper in a 10.25” x 5.5” space. They are approximately 500 – 600 words in length. Word count varies depending upon whether there is a photo and desired photo size. Obituaries of 200 words or less are formatted in a 5” x 5.5” space. A pre-publication proof is emailed for approval to the person submitting the obituary. There is no proof for the free version.

PHOTOGRAPHS: Digital images with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher print best. Original photographs can be scanned and returned. Photos appear in black and white. Color is only available in the edition closest to the 15th of the month. We attempt to honor color requests, but cannot guarantee the availability of color press position until the week of publication.

DISTRIBUTION: The issue closest to the 15th of the month is mailed to every household, post office box and business within the zip codes we serve. This is called Saturation Edition. All other weeks are Standard Edition with the paper going to print and digital subscribers and available for sale on newsracks.

10.25” x 5.5” space $425
5” x 5.5” space $235
Color is an additional $100

10.25” x 5.5” space $160
5” x 5.5” space $90

To schedule an obituary, send information to [email protected]. For further information, contact us at 503-845-9499.

All rates and policies above are current as of Jan. 1, 2024