Stayton Community Food Bank – 9 a.m. – noon, 1210 Wilco Road. SCFB is the nearest operational food bank to the Santiam Canyon fires. Those who are in need are served regardless of the location of their residence. No one will be turned away. Monday – Friday. 503-769-4088
Free COVID-19 Testing – noon – 6 p.m., Foothills Church, 975 Fern Ridge Road, Stayton. No phusician’s order required. To avoid wait times, pre-register at labdash.net, 503-769-3230. Walk-ins accepted.
Free COVID-19 Testing & Vaccine Clinic – noon – 7 p.m., Oregon State Fairgrounds Pavilion, 2330 NE 17th Ave., Salem. PCR testing and all three vaccines available, including booster and pediatric doses. Walk-in only. Free. Repeats Mon. – Fri., 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday. co.marion.or.us/HLT/PH
Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic – Santiam Hospital, 1401 N 10th Ave., Stayton. Adult and children age 5 and older vaccines available. Free. Appointments at santiamhospital.org.
Community Yoga – 7 p.m., St. Patrick’s Hall, 362 Seventh St., Lyons. Suggested donation $5 – 15. All levels welcome. Repeats Wednesday. Kathy, [email protected]
Mill City and Gates Community Center Food Pantry – 10 a.m. – noon, 258 SW Cedar St. Open every Tuesday except the first Tuesday of the month. Repeats 6 – 8 p.m. Thursdays. 503-897-4904
Mill City Senior Meals – noon, First Presbyterian Church, 236 W Broadway. Pick up lunch Tuesday or Thursday. Meals on Wheels available. 503-897-2204
ESL, GED, Citizenship Classes – 6:30 – 8 p.m., Stayton United Methodist Church, 1450 Fern Ridge Road, Stayton. No cost for class. Workbook is $20. Runs through June. Repeats Thursdays. Mary, 503-779-7029.
ARCHES – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Santiam Outreach Community Center, 280 NE Santiam Blvd., Mill City. Get help with rent, utilities, moving costs, post wildfire recovery resources. Runs Wednesday – Saturday. 503-971-5676
Jefferson Food Pantry – 3 – 6 p.m., 310 N Second St., Jefferson. Serves communities of Scio and Crabtree. No ID necessary. 503-779-9807
Alcoholic Anonymous – 7 p.m., Gates Church of Christ, 40070 Gates School Road. Open discussion group.
North Santiam Gleaners – 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., IOOF Hall, 38952 Highway 226, Scio. Set up at 8 a.m. Food distribution at 10:15 – 11:45 a.m. Enter through the front door, leave by the front door. 503-394-2147
Point Man Ministries – 6 p.m., Canyon Bible Fellowship, 446 Cedar St., Lyons. Veterans support organization. 503-859-2627
Cars & Coffee – 9 a.m., Covered Bridge Cafe, 510 N Third Ave., Stayton. Bring your classic vehicles for coffee, breakfast and a cruise on country roads afterwards.
Idanha and Detroit Community Food Pantry – 9 a.m. – noon., 397 Church St., Idanha. Information: 503-854-3030 and leave a message.
Alcoholics Anonymous – 6 p.m., Santiam Outreach Community Center, 280 NE Santiam Blvd., Mill City. 971-332-5676
Friday, Jan. 28
Scio vs Amity Girls Basketball – 5:30 p.m., Scio High, 38880 N Main.
Scio vs Amity Boys Basketball – 7:30 p.m., Scio High, 38880 N Main.
Monday, Jan. 31
Santiam vs Kennedy Girls Basketball – 5:30 p.m., Santiam High, 300 SW Cedar St., Mill City.
Scio vs Catlin Gabel Girls Basketball – 6 p.m., Scio High, 38880 N Main St.
Santiam vs Kennedy Boys Basketball – 7 p.m., Santiam High, 300 SW Cedar St., Mill City.
Tuesday, Feb. 1
Scio Friends of the Library – 1:30 p.m., Scio City Hall, 38957 NW First Ave. Open to all. Dues $20 per year, $100 lifetime. 503-394-3342
Detroit City Council – 6:30 p.m., Zoom. Open to public. Agenda available. Zoom information: 503-845-3496, detroitoregon.us
Wednesday, Feb. 2
Groundhog Day
Thursday, Feb. 3
Santiam vs Delphian Boys Basketball – 7 p.m., Santiam High, 300 SW Cedar St., Mill City.
North Santiam Historical Society – 7 p.m., Gates Fire Hall, 140 E Sorbin. Open to public. 503-897-2816
Friday, Feb. 4
Marion SWCD First Friday – 10 a.m. Zoom. Amy Bartow of NRCS Plant Material Center, shows how to identify a winter twig. Target audience is anyone looking to learn more about how to identify native deciduous trees in winter. Register at marionswcd.net. 503-391-9927
Tuesday, Feb. 8
Mill City City Council – 6:30 p.m., Mill City City Hall, 444 S First Ave. Open to public. Agenda available. 503-897-2302, ci.mill-city.or.us
Wednesday, Feb. 9
Santiam Canyon School Board – 5:30 p.m., Santiam Elementary, 450 SW Evergreen, Mill City. Open to public. Agenda available. 503-897-2321, santiam.k12.or.us
Get your meetings, events, fundraisers published in The Canyon Weekly. Releases should include name of event, date, time, location, cost and contact number. Send to [email protected] or [email protected].